VI Chemical Peel
Smoother, younger-looking skin is hidden just beyond the surface—literally.
Why not peel back old, damaged skin to reveal a healthier layer underneath? Chemical peels are among the most popular minimally-invasive skin rejuvenation procedures. There are numerous chemical peel benefits and with a single treatment, you’ll start noticing a difference. The Vitality Institute peels used at Serenity Med Spa offer six uniquely formulated VI Peel treatments designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring, and fight fine lines and wrinkles.
Ready for youthful, rejuvenated, and softer skin?
To schedule your VI chemical peel, please contact Serenity Med Spa at 864.603.3008

VI Peel FAQ's
How does a Chemical Peel work?
During your treatment, the provider will apply a solution of chemicals to the surface of your skin. When removed, the chemical peel will take dull surface skin cells along with it. Shedding the topmost layer of your skin will tell living skin cells to multiply and move to the surface. This signals your body to boost collagen production, which will improve your skin’s elasticity. The reaction increases natural hyaluronic acid production, too. As a result, your skin will begin to look and feel younger. Smoother skin appears more radiant. It’s also more receptive to skincare products.
What can I expect after my VI Peel?
After your treatment, you will have to wash off the peel. We recommend waiting at least 4 to 6 hours to take off the peel, as the VI Peel needs to sink into the skin first.
Typically, the area treated by the peel will look a little darker. It might even appear red and swollen for the next 24 to 48 hours. Some people worry when they see a lot of swelling and redness. But, as long as your skin starts to normalize within two days you should have nothing to be concerned about. Around the two to three-day mark, you will start to notice your skin change and begin to peel. Depending on how your skin reacts to the VI Peel, it can take anywhere from three to seven full days for the top layer of skin to peel off. During this time it is important that you follow any instructions you were given by your provider. This includes moisturizing your peeling skin regularly and using SPF 30 or above whenever you go into any sunlight. Remember, your skin will be highly sensitive as it peels and starts to heal from the chemical treatment that was placed on top of it. You need to pay attention to how your skin feels during this time and be careful when you are washing your face. Also, make sure you are being gentle with your skin as it will need to heal for at least two weeks.
How long do results last?
The results of your VI Peel treatment will take some time to show up. You have to wait for your skin to finish peeling, which can take up to seven days. Then, your skin has to have time to heal a little bit. Typically, within the first seven days, you can see some pretty drastic results that last for a while. Usually, VI Peels will last anywhere from 3 to 4 months. But with proper aftercare, these results can be extended. Unfortunately, VI Peel treatments are not permanent. Over time, the effects of this Chemical Peel will start to fade. Your provider may recommend medical grade skincare and/or a package of VI Peels to extend the longevity of your results.
Who is a candidate for VI Peels?
This treatment is widely used for people with a range of skin problems including acne, premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and other forms of skin damage. Really, anyone can get a VI Peel treatment regardless of their race, gender, and age. However, not every skin type is suited to a VI Peel. If you have overly sensitive skin or darker skin you should talk with our on site physician and discuss whether this is the right option for you. They will know whether chemical peels will help or hurt your skin. Patients that want to get a VI Peel should not be pregnant and should also be in good health. You also want to have reasonable expectations for this treatment.